Singapore Carpet Cleaning and Rug Cleaning
Onsite Cleaning
Method Used: Foam Injection Cleaning
1. The machine cleans by excreting a special cleaning foam on the surface of the rug.
2. The carpet is then agitated using a brush which combs the foam through the carpet pile.
3. The dirt trapped on the surface due to the scrubbing will be thoroughly removed by the vacuum suction.
Foam Injection Cleaning Method specialises in:
1. Bad odour elimination
2. Sanitatisation by killing germs and allergens
3. Vacuuming of dirt and dust
This method is highly recommended for home carpets, area rugs and/or padded textiles because this process is excellent at deep cleaning and the drying process is fast.
Office Carpet Cleaning in Singapore / Commercial Wall-to-wall Carpet Cleaning
Onsite Cleaning
Method Used: Hot Water Extraction
1. A machine heats up and injects hot water together with cleaning solution into the carpet using a high-pressured jet spray to remove dirt.
2. The hot water and the cleaning solution is then quickly extracted out to aid in the drying process.
3. The carpet fibers are thoroughly flushed through this carpet cleaning process which causes the dirt and grime to be removed .
Foam Injection Cleaning Method specialises in:
1. Bad odour elimination
2. Sanitatisation by killing germs and allergens
3. Vacuuming of dirt and dust
4. Treatment of stubborn stains to help minimise the appearance of stain marks
Hot water extraction carpet cleaning method is highly recommended by carpet manufacturers for office or commerical carpets.
Sofa Cleaning
Onsite Cleaning
Method Used: Foam Injection Cleaning
1. The machine cleans by excreting a special cleaning foam on the surface of the sofa.
2. The sofa fabric is then agitated using a brush which combs the foam through the applied area.
3. The dirt trapped on the surface due to the scrubbing will be thoroughly removed by the vacuum suction.
Foam Injection Cleaning Method specialises in:
1. Bad odour elimination
2. Sanitatisation by killing germs and allergens
3. Vacuuming of dirt and dust
This method is also highly recommended for fabric sofa. Velvet and suede materia is el, extra caution must be exercised in the cleaning procedure due to the delicate material.
Mattress Cleaning
Onsite Cleaning / Pick up & Delivery
Method Used: Foam Injection Cleaning
1. The machine cleans by excreting a special cleaning foam on the surface of the mattress.
2. The mattress is then agitated using a brush which combs the foam through the carpet pile.
3. The dirt trapped on the surface due to the scrubbing will be thoroughly removed by the vacuum suction.
Foam Injection Cleaning Method specialises in:
1. Bad odour elimination
2. Sanitatisation by killing germs and allergens
3. Vacuuming of dirt and dust
We spend approximately 1/3 of our lifespan sleeping and the household mattress is one of the dirtiest furniture found at home. Experts recommend cleaning our mattress professionally at least once a year to keep it clean, fresh and hygenic.